Whether for sporting or other events, outdoors or inside, during the day or at night, aerosol paints and varnishes offer the most effective and practical solution for marking out and signage, for indicating hazardous areas and for many other situations that require a rapid response.

The SOPPEC event range groups together all the products you need, including special effect paints (photo-luminescent, retro-re effective, thermo-chromic) and marking paints. 

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All aerosols are formulated in accordance with the rules of our triple certification.

Products can be used even under very low temperatures, thanks to our high pressure cans and specific propellant gas.

The Tempo Marker is fitted with the patented SOPPEC “TP” safety cap. 


Aerosols should be stored at a temperature between 15°C and 25°C and between 50% and 60% relative humidity.

Storage time before use, if stored correctly as set out above:

• 2 years for special effect paints.

• 4 years for marking paints.

Avoid exposure to temperatures above 50°C.

Keep away from sources of ignition, heat and sunlight.

As with all handling and storage operations, NO SMOKING is strongly recommended. 


  • Our products are designed without CMR compounds (carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic...) to reproduction substances of class 1A, 1B & 2 above 0.1%. 
  • Without Hexane, Methanol, Toluene, Xylen 

  • Without Environmental Hazard statement n° 412 : “toxic to aquatic organisms long-term damage to the ecosystem” 
  • Without heavy metals such as Lead (PB), Cadmium (Cd), ... 

  • Without Hexane, Methanol, Toluene, Xylen
  • Our labels are in compliance with EU regulation n° 1272/2008 and with its adaptation